Monday, September 9, 2013

Newton's 1st Law -- Inertia Resource

"Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted upon by a  nonzero net force."

Newton's First Law of Motion is Inertia. This resource diagram helps explain how Inertia can be seen in everyday life. The tablecloth trick is well known. One must pull the cloth off the table without the dishes falling.
Because the cloth is pulled quickly, the force of friction only exerted for a short amount of time, allowing Inertia to do it's thing: remain unchanging. (If done successfully), the dishes will remain on the table as they are.

I love this example.

The source is a mythbusters article that explains the difference between Inertia & Friction. It cleared up a bit of confusion for me. One thing that I specifically like is the correct diagram. It is relevant to what we are learning:

I apologize for not having a happy video, but this article could not be "embedded" so I have a lousy URL instead.


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