Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vel vs. Acc -- Resource

This youtube video is about distance, velocity, and acceleration. It is short...about 3.5 minutes, and easy to understand.

First, the guy who explains these concepts includes almost every simple description of each term, and provides a real-world example. Graphs are shown to help see what "constant" really means.

What I think are helpful, are the equations that we'll use when determining the constant velocity or constant acceleration of an object. 

Velocity is the distance/change of position per amount of time.
V = d/t

Acceleration is the change in velocity per amount of time.
A = Δv/t

*The terms are NOT interchangeable! 
*The definition of constant acceleration states that it is the same change in velocity over a specific time interval. The definition of constant velocity states that there is no change in velocity over a specific time interval.
*A constant velocity cannot also be constant acceleration, because the velocity cannot be both changing and un-changing at once. 


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