STARTING OFF: I am excited to be in a class section with 10+/- other Juniors. A class of people not in my form is refreshing, and I'd love to be an honorary Junior, if you'll have me.
Learning Expectations: I have previously taken "physical science," (8th grade) which gave me an overview of what I expect to learn and understand in this class. I'm super ready to dive in to the material; I'm a bit of a science freak.
A few things that I really want to cover this year: Newton's Laws; Light/sound waves; Thermodynamics. I like the concept of force and its relationship to objects. Light waves, sound waves, and color are other topics that I would like to study. Thermodynamics is my absolute favorite part of learning physical science.
Importance: Physics is the study of the surrounding world; it concerns matter and energy within almost everything. I think, (my opinion) that studying this branch of science can help an individual understand and apply real world situations to their life. Knowing how and why things work/act the way they do is beneficial to anyone, even if they're not interested in the subject.
Questions: Will we be doing experiments, and will these experiments/projects be heavily weighted on our grade? If my experiments don't work or function properly, will I be penalized? Will we be learning about Thermodynamics in this course? What is your (Ms. Lawrence) favorite chapter/topic to teach? Will our entire course be "online"?
Goals for Physics this year: To live and learn alongside each friend/peer in my class; To leave AS feeling fulfilled and content with how I mastered the material; To take in each topic separately but cohesively and with a positive attitude; To enjoy Physics.
-- Physics Friends: If you feel the need to comment, do so in style.
I really liked your video, it also cleared up some things that were confusing to me. Also I liked the reason for studying physics: that everyone should know how and why things work the way that they do. What was different from my blog, is that for questions, you asked about questions pertaining to class, while I asked about real world situations. One piece of constructive criticism is that you should explain briefly what thermodynamics is. Many people may not know what it is, so explaining would be really beneficial