The cat pulls its legs in towards its body, or axis of rotation. This causes its rotational velocity to increase, allowing for the cat to flip fast enough before landing. However, the cat's rotational inertia is less, so it is easier to [start to] rotate.
Angular momentum = Rotational Inertia x Rotational Velocity.
- RI and RV are inversely proportional: when one increases, the other decreases.
An object has more rotational velocity if the most mass is distributed closest to its axis of rotation. It also has less rotational inertia because it is easier to start/stop/continue spinning.
Hope you enjoyed,
I really like how you introduced the video and then had an intense review of what the video explained. Unlike myself you went into depth on what the video actually said and reviewed points in which I know I need to go over. Thank you and good luck on your next one!